Monday, December 15, 2008

Done like a dinner

Hi, Last week, yippee!!
Facebook etc. I have mixed feelings about it all. Having two teenage daughters who use Bebo and Myspace etc I wonder just how much information is going out into the ether. They are fairly cautious so I hope all is well. I myself got a rude shock when I typed my locality in Flickr where the general public can access and lo and behold pictures of my house, garden and kids!!
My Scottish niece had been on a working holiday and had posted her holiday snaps in Flicke to share with friends . I don't think she realised that they were accessible to the public. Anyway I just felt a bit strange with us all on show.

However, I enjoyed myself when I clicked on the link to East Renfrewshire Council and ended up reading Scottish news items. Didn't get to the Facebook part but I did enjoy Rotorua Bebo. I'm sure it'll be a winner with younger people and they sure were getting a lot of love!

As time goes on and I have more time to be involved in this technology I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

Since embarking on this course I have learned a huge amount even if it was under sufferance for a while. I can see the potential for libraries to engage people through the web and allow people from all over the world access to our resources.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Week 11 and Google Docs

At last I am nearing the end of what shouldn't be a trial but sometimes it has felt like one.
I am amazed at all the applications available on-line and hope that one day we will use them more. At least I might have a bit of a handle on it all.

Google docs. Well I tried getting one going but came up against a few problems when I tried to open and send a spreadsheet.
Anyhow I am hoping that our inter branch library Yahoo Groups will suffice for my "work experience".
I created a photo album consisting of photographs of David Millar and Peter Klein, two authors who came to Holbrook library over the past two years.
This can be viewed by all of our branch and other staff. In Yahoo groups we have a shared calendar and many other applications.
I will persevere with Google docs though as it is a great idea.

Monday, November 24, 2008

week whatever it is...Mashups

I have managed to mash-up I think . In the simplest sense of course.
I guess we could use these kind of things for advertising the library.
We could use mashups on our council home page which has links to the library.
I would have to think about clever ways to mix media and text and other fancy stuff but really worth thinking about.
I will now go and view other blogs to see what has been achieved.
Might make another posting on this.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Podcasts etc

We have zoomed through podcasts and vodcasts.
Can see a future in the larger libraries but we would need to learn about downloading them onto MP3 players and discs and coprright etc.
Went to the ABC site and listened to Dr Norman Swan 's health report.
Looked at an educational database which would be great for HSC students who need to listen to something explained rather than read and interpret themselves.
Di linked by RSS a health podcast to her blog.

week 8 answer boards etc

Okay, Had a look at the answer board librarians wiki and thought it was great.
Will go back and have a closer look as this is a morning of full on study to finish the Libraries learning stuff.
Eventually I'm sure someone will come to me at work and I'll use some of this stuff to help them.

You tube week 6

back to week 4 and RSS

I discovered that I hadn't added RSS feeds to the blog.
I think I had it before but hadn't transferred it to my blog so success at last.
Maybe I'll look for the lost ones later.